• Luther Rice College & Seminary

    Luther Rice has become a very special part of our lives. After being diagnosed with cancer, my doctor asked me to request prayer. So, my husband suggested we call Bro. Joe McGee, whom we had just went on an Associational Mission Trip. At the time, Bro. Joe was teaching a class for Luther Rice at one of the local churches. That very Thursday night, he and his class lead a special prayer meeting for us. They prayed for first stage, self-contained as the doctor requested and that is what God blessed us with. With the understanding of the poor survival rate and the stretch of chemotherapy ahead of me, I wanted to learn more about the God I was going to see. I signed up for Luther Rice classes. It wasn't school work, it was studying God's Word. Everyone at the college, from professors to April in the Registrar's Office, became a part of my healing process. Every class was ordered by Him. I knew it was a God thing. This time in my life became a giant step in my spiritual growth. Henry Blackaby says some steps in our spiritual growth are so great, they can make us question whether we were even saved before or not. This was the experience with LRS. Amazingly, I received a degree in Biblical Studies! At the graduation service my husband and I were touched. It was like a revival. It was a revival. The college offers a conservative Biblical Worldview education all around the world. The service offers first hand witness with those graduating from this country and foreign countries. So humbling to see those coming from foreign countries receiving their degree only to return to their country as missionaries. After the service, my husband came to me and told me we were coming here again next year for a Master's Degree. It took a little longer than a year. Luther Rice became a big part of my healing process. After finishing my practicum and realizing the costs being charged for helping others with their trials, my husband and I decided that was not our route. We did not get the counseling degree to make money. It was our blessing from God. So, we decided we would use it to help others within our local churches with the same blessing God has blessed us with (2 Cor 1:4), because in reality we were and are just sharing the Gospel.


    A big thank you to Dr. Cobb! When I asked him if I could use some of his teaching tools, he smiled and said I could use anything we did in the class. He also added he was just a phone call away if I needed him for advise. AND I have used that.

    Now, for a little added plug for LRS. They offer classes for anyone interested in studying. You do not have to be after a degree or a college student. It is pretty cool. Actual professors teach wonderful classes for individual study. So, even though we are in the backwoods with no professors at our local church, you can still go deeper into a Bible Class. Check it out.

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