


    Master’s Degree in BIBLICAL COUSELING


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    Reality Check

    Turning 40 is a reality check for anyone, including me. Added to this experience was the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. I took this opportunity to go to seminary & learn about the Lord of Lords whom I was about to go meet. The Lord allowed me to get my 4 year degree in Biblical Studies. Graduation was such a revival, my husband & I decided we would get a Master’s Degree & continue on this journey. It wasn’t hard to decide what the Master’s would be in since we were going through a difficult time with our son. We needed to learn how to communicate with our son. Biblical Counseling it was. I had a 3% chance of making it 5 years & in that 5 years the Lord allowed me to receive a 4 year degree in Biblical Studies & a Master’s in Biblical Counseling. With the Lord’s help, I learned that my son didn’t need to change. I needed to change.


    I would’ve told you I had a fine marriage. However, marriage counseling took my understanding to a new level. This, my husband & I both enjoy sharing.


    So, I’ve seen my son graduate and get married. We were given the opportunity to adopt a fine young lady. See her graduate and get married. AND I’m hugging 3 grandchildren. What a blessing!


    Through the years I have volunteered counseling & teaching through our local churches. At this new stage in life between grandchildren & aging parents develops a new dilemma. Granny’s time is limited. So my daughter-in-law is seeking a new tool for ministry. And here we go.


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    Living “in Christ”


    This section is devoted to helping one find out where they are at in their spiritual journey. I've been on a few mission trips and it is always pointed out that the hardest people to reach is those who think they are alright spiritually. Either they said a prayer when they were young and didn't fully understand the concept of being a new creation "in Christ" or they just joined a church not the family of God.

    One needs to be sure of their walk in Christ. Satan can distract those who are doubting or just not walking in Him. In Billy Graham's biography, he suggests there comes a time in everyone's life where one needs to look at the Bible and decide if one believes it to be The Truth. I truly relate to this. After being diagnosed with cancer, my husband found me staring at the grass. He asked if I was alright. I said, "Yes. I do not believe the grass just boomed into existence. I believe God created it. So, therefore, I need to trust Him totally." I had just found out I had cancer, but God knew all the time and had already prepared a path for me to walk down.

    This section is for everyone!

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    Marriage Counseling

    HIS plan; not ours.

    When couples first come to me for counseling, the first session is the ultimatum session. They usually want to tell their sides and I try to confront this with "sin is sin and I don't need to hear the details," but it usually doesn't work. First, they think I just don't understand so they try to pad their bench. Second, they want a quick fix. Well, this situation didn't happen over night and it's not going to be fixed over night. So, finally the ultimatum is laid out: Their way is not working. They have to trust someone. Trust God. Then, I ask for one month of following God's instructions. I ask for each to answer. If the answer is yes, we set up a time to begin counseling.

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    Granny’s Window

    Checks & Balances in all areas

    As I was going through chemo, a reality hit me: God was giving me an ordained window to look through. It was a window others didn't get to look through. It was my window of opportunity. I could look through the window and look for God’s blessings and grow or I could just sit in the corner with my eyes closed. I chose to allow Him to mold and shape me into something He could use. As I continue on this journey, I take Gen 50:20 seriously and call it my 50/20 vision: what God allows into my life He does so in order to use it for my good. All I need to do is learn to live by His Truth. So, Granny’s Window is going to be about sharing experiences in this slow learner’s life.